DWI / Driving Offenses

  • Driving While Intoxicated. Drunk driving has quickly become one of the most specialized areas of criminal defense.

    While many attorneys attempt to handle drunk driving defenses, few understand the ever-changing statutes, sanctions and defenses these charges entail. My law firm handles these offenses in both state and municipal courts throughout Kansas and Missouri.

    The state may prosecute you for the offense of driving while intoxicated by two separate avenues: Criminal Charges and Administrative Suspensions.

    Possible ramifications of DWI offenses are:

    Criminal Charges
    Administrative Actions
    Jail Time
    License Suspended
    License Revocation
    Ignition Interlock Device
    Reinstatement Fee
    Supervised Probation
    Drug/Alcohol Evaluation
    Drug/Alcohol Classes
    Drug/Alcohol Classes
    Community Service
    Ignition Interlock Device
    Criminal Conviction

    To preserve your privilege to drive under the administrative process, you must act quickly! You or your attorney may have as little as 10 days in Kansas and 15 days in Missouri from the date of the alcohol breath test to affirmatively request an Administrative Hearing to challenge the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. If you fail to request an administrative hearing in a timely fashion, then you lose your right to dispute the suspension or revocation. You must act immediately!

    Skilled, specialized attorneys are needed to handle these important and legitimate defenses. Tamara Putnam understands the intricacies of breath-testing machines. She constantly reviews new case law and statutes to look for defenses against these charges. Tamara Putnam utilizes her skills, background and experience to defend countless people charged with these offenses.

Driver's License Restoration

Suspension from Poor Driving

If you have simply accumulated too many points on your driving record from just paying off your speeding tickets or other traffic offenses, your license may be suspended or revoked. In this scenario, Tamara Putnam can help by filing a motion to set aside the guilty plea to remove the old convictions and restore your driving privileges.

Driving While License Suspended

Frequently, people who lose their license drive anyway and face Driving While Suspended (DWS) charges if stopped by police. Many judges impose jail time for this misdemeanor and repeat offenses can result in increased jail time, fines and lengthy probation. Also, your license will likely be re-suspended or revoked and you will be in a perpetually worse situation. If you are charged with DWS, then Tamara Putnam will defend you in court and work to reduce, dismiss or negotiate the charge to protect your freedom and preserve your driving privileges.

This information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. I invite you to contact my law firm by phone or in person. Contacting my firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

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